Building one panel at a time

There is something to be said about simple designs. In this case, building the Slumber pack as a very simple “brick” shape made the construction of each panel a breeze, and completely independent from one-another, at least until the final assembly.

Feature breakdown of the Slumber pack

It’s always difficult to make a distinction between nice-to-have and must-have features. Here is a breakdown you might find useful in your deliberations.

A3mm Cord load lifter with LineLoc.
BCam side release buckle on 15mm strong webbing.
CDaisy chain out of strong 15mm webbing.
DSide compression systems out of cord, hook, and LineLoc quick release buckle.
ESide pockets (different heights for different purposes).
FHip belt out of 25mm webbing and high-quality quick release.
G+HGear loops out of 15mm strong webbing.